“At my age, starting over is hard.”
What should have been a joyous occasion turned to tragedy for Tom. While he was leaving the hospital after the birth of his first grandson, Tom got hit by a car.
“I was on a motorcycle and was run over by a car. It broke both my legs, and they never really healed right.”
Denied disability and unable to work, Tom lost his home and was forced to move in with his daughter and her children. But when her boyfriend moved in, suddenly Tom had to go.
“I lived there 7 or 8 years and everything was going pretty good. Then she got a new boyfriend, and he said I had to leave.”
The day his daughter dropped him off at your Evansville Rescue Mission, everything changed for Tom.
“I was ready to come someplace and discuss Bible studies,” he says. “Find peace with myself.”
“To start all over again is kind of a new thing to me… it’s hard. But the Mission is preparing me and I’m preparing myself.”
In our care, Tom has found peace as he’s grown closer to God. He’s learning a lot from the life-skills classes, and Bible study provides the spiritual growth that was missing.
“I was trying to do things on my own instead of giving them to God. Here you get your head right… your spirituality right.”
Tom helps with maintenance at your Mission and at Camp Reveal, our camping and retreat facility located ten miles north of Evansville. His family knows how well he is doing and is proud of his efforts to rebuild his life.
“I miss them a lot, but until things calm down, I’ve got to do this.”
After graduation, he hopes to be approved for disability and find a place of his own. “It’s a road that I’ve got to go myself, but I know I’m going to get there.”
Thanks to the blessing of your support, Tom is celebrating Easter as a new creation in Christ. “If somebody needs a place to stay, this is the place to come. They care about you, and I’m growing closer to God every day.”