A Helping Hand for Hurting Neighbors
Christ-centered support to help people overcome addiction, poverty, & homelessness
Your Evansville Rescue Mission:
106+ years serving those in need!
Since 1917, we’ve helped our hurting and less fortunate neighbors experience the healing power of God’s love.
Through personalized care that restores bodies, minds, & souls, we strive to be the Lord’s hands & feet to people struggling with homelessness & other challenges here in our Tri-State area!
How Lives Are Changed
Our programs focus on personal and spiritual wholeness and help rebuild lives with Christ as the foundation
Your gifts make a
HUGE impact
Our ministry is possible thanks to the incredible generosity of community partners and friends like you!

“If I hadn’t come to the Mission, I would either be out there on the streets or I’d probably be locked up because of all the turmoil that kept happening to me. I thank God that I’m here… I’m truly blessed.”
— Lamont | ERM Guest
News & Events

Gobbler Gathering
November 21st, 2023
For over 100 years, ERM has hosted our annual Thanksgiving food basket giveaway, the Gobbler Gathering. Taking place each year on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, the Gobbler Gathering allows ERM to provide more than 2,203 Tri-State families with a free sixty pound food basket.
Stories of Hope

Thank you for giving Cody a life-changing gift this Christmas!
“I don’t feel alone anymore.”
More Ways You Can Help
Let’s Get Social.
Ah, summer… ☀️🏖 You might think of family vacations and warm weather. But for local men and women struggling on the streets, summer is NO vacation. Our homeless neighbors need life-saving care 24/7 – and you can come to their aid! Here’s how YOU and your generous donation will help save lives TODAY:
🏠 Safe, cool shelter
👕🧼 Clean clothing & hygiene items
📚 💼 Classes, counseling & job training
✝️ Faith-based support that rebuilds lives
The needs of our homeless neighbors don’t stop during summer. Thankfully, neither does your love and compassion! 💚
#LoveYourNeighbors by sharing a gift to help them today! Give now ➩ Link in bio!!
#LoveYourNeighbor #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors #SummerChallenge #GiveNow #RescueMission

The DONATION TRUCK will not at be Living Word Christian Church today, it will be back to normal hours on Friday this week from 9-2! Apologies in advance for any inconvenience! You can still donate today at the following locations:
Donation Bin - Crossroads Christian Church
Donation Bin - ERM Flagship, Downtown Evansville
Donation Bin - Washington Square Mall next to The Thrift Store

How do YOU love your neighbor? Something beautiful happens when we come together to care for our community. On National Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day, take a moment to pause in your busy day and do something good to bless others! 💙 Consider making a special gift to help care for our neighbors seeking our help here at your Evansville Rescue Mission. >> Link in bio to donate!
#NationalDoSomethingGoodForYourNeighborDay #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors #LoveYourNeighbor

MEET THE STAFF: Katrinka Rynder
◾️ Title: Capital Campaign Manager
◾️ Word of the year: Perseverance - the last year was very rough. It took a lot of spiritual and mental work to come out ahead. This year I will PERSEVERE. Meet my goals both professional and personal. And remember each day is a new day - God brought me thru 2022 - To show me the positive of 2023. So I will persevere and continue to move the goal post forward.
◾️ What are you watching, listening or reading right now? I’ve been reading my Disney Devotionals and always love to watch Yellowstone or The Mandalorian. Recently I watched The George and Tammy story on Paramount!
◾️ What’s on your radio in the car? Country or Worship
◾️ Favorite thing about your ERM: The people I work with! The environment & culture here feels like a family.
◾️ What sounds fun to you right now? Either a week long trip to Disney World or attending the NFR (National Finals Rodeo) in Las Vegas!

Thank you DXL Big + Tall Evansville for your generous donation to ERM’s clothing room in our Men’s Residence Center!

A recap of PACES Retreats, week 2. A lot of growth, bonding and fun for these guys and your ERM’s staff!! God is continuing to use your ERM to restore lives and transform hearts.

Last week was full of fun, growth and rest for these guys!! PACES Retreats week 2 is now underway! Please join us in prayer for these guys as they navigate their journeys to success!

DONATION UPDATE: Your ERM`s Donation Bin at Camp Reveal will be closed for the next several days. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.
Please see below the many ways you can still donate to your Evansville Rescue Mission!

This is Bryce, the Resident Director at your Evansville Rescue Mission. Last week he celebrated his third year of sober living! Bryce says, it’s his 12th step! “I’ve encountered Christ through the spiritual awakening that results from working the 12 steps and recovery. I now get to carry the same message of hope to those who are still suffering!” We are so proud of you Bryce and thankful to have you on our staff at the ERM! Congratulations! 💚

Your ERM celebrated this Easter weekend with an “Eggstravaganza” staff party yesterday... here are a few low quality pictures, with some high quality people! 🤍 Thank you Lord for your sacrifice, the freedom & hope found in You and this incredible group of people working to honor and serve you!
In observation of Good Friday, ERM Administrative offices are closed today - Sunday.
The Thrift Store & Mission Grounds will remain open during normal business hours today and tomorrow.

DON’T WAIT… Easter is just days away and meals are still needed!⏳ It takes just $2.93 to provide a complete meal for a hurting or homeless neighbor – and a meal is often the first step toward a new life in Christ. ✝️ Let’s get ready to welcome guests this Easter. 🍽
Give now ➩ Link in bio!!
#Easter #EasterMeal #FeedTheHungry #LoveYourNeighbor #helpthehomeless

🚨 Your ERM is in need of supplies and donations at our Men`s Residence Center! Please considering donate some of the hygiene items listed below, thank you in advance!! You may drop off donations anytime: 500 E. Walnut St.
We are currently low on:
Most Needed ***Men`s underwear *** ALL sizes, especially larger sizes
Shaving Cream
Shower Shoes

Your ERM`s Golf Scramble is right around the corner on Monday, May 1st! We are currently offering sponsorships at every level (see attached)ranging from $100 - $3,500! Individuals and businesses are both eligible, email tori.flaherty@ermstaff.org to sign up today! Every year the Golf Scramble benefits ERM`s Camp Reveal and the children who will attend a safe, loving and Christ-Centered summer day camp!

The first day of spring was yesterday and that means your ERM`s annual golf scramble is right around the corner! Our 20th annual Golf Scramble will be held at Rolling Hills Country Club on Monday, May 1st, 2023. Click the link in bio for more info!

For people who are hungry, a warm meal can be life-changing. 🍽 It can mean HOPE for a brighter future… and HOPE is what Easter is all about. ✝️
So please give now to provide Easter meals for our neighbors who are hungry and hopeless. 🙏🏽 The Mission is where hunger ends and hope begins – with your support!
#Easter #EasterMeal #FeedTheHungry #LoveYourNeighbor #HelpTheHomeless #RescueMission

Earlier this week your Evansville Rescue Mission hosted a Women’s Breakfast at the new Center for Women & Children go celebrate International Women’s Day. 💗 Though it is not yet open for services, your ERM is making great progress and steps towards the future legacy of a new facility. We pray we can facilitate even more life transformation and restored lives through this new division of our ministry.
If you’re interested in being involved in the early stages of the project please contact campaign manager, Katrinka Rynder at katrinka.rynder@ermstaff.org!!

Rain rain, go away!! Due to the weather today the Donation Truck will NOT be parked at Living Word Christian Church today.
There are still several ways to donate your gently used items today, listed below!

MEET THE STAFF: Kyndal Wedeking
◾️ Title: Lead Executive Assistant
◾️ Word of the year: My word is Balance. Whether it`s with my family, at work, taking time to myself or with friends. Life is so busy and at times it is difficult to balance all of these important things in life. And being a part of the ERM has allowed me to balance my time better!
◾️ What are you watching, listening or reading right now? My husband and I have multiple shows we like to binge watch on Netflix. As far as reading, I usually steer towards true crime books, but I like to pick from a variety of authors on my Book of the month app. Right now, my collection is full of true crime or romance novels.
◾️ What’s on your radio in the car? I`m usually listening to Pandora or a local station my 3 girls want to listen to. But, I like a wide variety of genres from country, pop, alternative, folk rock, etc. It all depends on the mood I`m in that day!
◾️ Favorite thing about your ERM: My favorite thing about the ERM is how you become part of the family so quickly. Coming from the corporate world myself, you don`t really get to build wholesome relationships as often. Here at the ERM, I love how everyone is so raw and real. You truly get to know your coworkers and they get to know you. We all come together to contribute to events and projects and help as many people as possible. It`s truly refreshing!
◾️ What sounds fun to you right now? Traveling anywhere with my husband and 3 girls would be amazing. I love the outdoors and being able to explore some uncharted territory sounds really fun! Especially somewhere with mountains or any beautiful landscapes to hike up with surrounding water is always nice!

Yesterday at the 9am service at @crossroadschristianchurch, 4 of our residents got baptized!!
These guys have amazing stories and we are so proud of them and their decision to follow Christ!
Thank you CCC for being welcoming to these guys!

Your Evansville Rescue Mission is looking for consistent volunteers to serve on a weekly basis in the Men`s Residence Center kitchen! We serve hundreds of meals per day, 3 meals a day and 7 days a week so there are plenty of opportunities for everyone`s schedule! If this sounds like the right fit for you please email taylor.humphrey@ermstaff.org for more information!